There is little debate over the fact that crime fiction is the most popular genre with a female audience, and that over half of these...
Specialized Law Enforcement: Tips for Authors
Our chapter of Sisters in Crime chapter hosts a variety of programs for our authors to help them write it right. Recently, we had a...
Kick Start Your Creativity
Are you stuck in a writing rut or a life rut? Do you need to recharge your creativity? Here are some ways to jar you out of the...
The Race Card: The Place of Race in Mystery
I’m late to the show, but I just discovered Luther, starring Idris Elba. Netflix made it possible to binge-watch. I love a good police...
How Long Did it Take You to Write That???
This is a question authors hear at almost every book signing or speaking engagement they attend. “How long did it take you to write...
Subtle Ways Writers Can Increase Their Social Media Following
Using social media to promote your books is key in today's book marketing world. Here are some underutilized ways to increase your...