Beer fumes lead to Building a Badge Bunny
A lot can happens when authors get together at a brewery. In December, yes, I’ve been sitting on this story for months – when several Lethal

Sin on a Plate - A To-Die-For Chocolate Cake Recipe
“Those sentiments are understandable. I’ve had days like that myself. It’s a very human reaction, I think,” Avery said. Sean smiled. “Was...

Pinterest for Writers
Pinterest is my big electronic scrapbook for thousands of great pictures. I have scrapbooked for years and collected idea files full of...

Is Your Heroine in Trouble? Emergency Phone Apps
My Friend Heather and I were heading home after a book signing for our Virginia Is for Mysteries anthology and what do you think a nerd...

Character Behaviors: Rational and Irrational
A big welcome to Dr. Vivian Lawry. Vivian holds a BA, MS, and PhD in psychology and was a professor of psychology prior to her retirement....