100 Writerly and Bookish Tweeters You Should Follow
Twitter is a wonderful tool for research and building relationships. And there are so many great writers, editors, agents, and book...

9 Ways to Help an Author
The holiday season has begun. Today is Small Business Saturday and CyberMonday is fast approaching. If you like a book or an author, here...

Foiling the plot or rather, what I learned from getting hacked
I wonder about the state of the world. Maybe things have always been so, but through the rise of social media, news from afar is as close...

Subtle Ways Writers Can Increase Their Social Media Following
Using social media to promote your books is key in today's book marketing world. Here are some underutilized ways to increase your...

Pinterest for Writers
Pinterest is my big electronic scrapbook for thousands of great pictures. I have scrapbooked for years and collected idea files full of...